Steve “Tuna” Tornovish is a Nantucket native who has spent his life fishing from the beaches of his beloved island. Steve is an active tournament fisherman, participating in the Spring Sea Run Opener, the Schoolie Shootout, the Linesider Elimination Tournament and the Inshore Classic. He has also been selected as a member of the Nantucket squad to fish against the Martha’s Vineyard fishing team in the annual contest for the Island Cup.
Steve is a retired sergeant from the Nantucket Police Department, where he served as a detective for most of his career. He is the originator, host, roadie and, occasionally, bouncer for Island Tunes, Nantucket’s stage for singer/songwriters to play their original music. Steve has written a book about his fishing adventures called “Fishing the Nantucket Night Shift”, as well as two soon-to-be-released novels, “The Boathouse” and “The Siren’s Song”. He has two daughters, KD and Anna. And please don’t try to schedule a fishing trip on Sundays, as that’s the day that Steve fishes with his wife, Beth.